Thursday, September 24, 2009

Something's "Bugging" Me

So last night, our little family was just hanging out in the living room. Jake was watching some sort of sports, and Jackson and I were on the floor playing. At some point, I either got interested in something on t.v. or I spaced out, and wasn't really watching Jackson. Well, Jake saw him bend down, grab something off the carpet, then run in and throw it away. Jackson came running back in the room and said, very matter-of-fact, "Bug. Trash." Jake was like, "Jackson, did you just pick up a bug off the floor and throw it in the trash?" and Jackson said, again, very matter-of-fact, "Bug. Trash." We just thought it was too funny how he just saw a situation and took care of it, no problem!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Beginning (of the Webbs)

Well, I've finally decided to go ahead and create a blog. At my Great-Aunt Marie's funeral, her daughter-in-law read a wonderful life sketch that Marie, herself, had written over a period of several years. It was wonderful to hear her life story in her own words and I decided that this could be something similar for my family to hopefully treasure. Also, since having our first son, Jackson, I decided I needed some way to commemorate funny or sweet stories of our life as a family. I'm big into scrapbooking, but there isn't always the opportunity to journal as much as I would like. we go! The Webb Family journey...

Jake and I were married on June 24, 2006. We had the most amazing wedding! We did an outdoor wedding right smack in the middle of some of God's most gorgeous creation-the Snake River Canyon. The ceremony and reception were both held at Bass Lake at Blue Lakes Country Club. We had a ton of people, a lot of dancing, and a lot of fun. We were blessed to be able to go to Puerto Vallarta for a picture-perfect honeymoon. Jake and I started our life together with many exciting adventures: snorkeling, horseback riding in the jungle (Jake ended up riding a donkey because his horse--appropriately named "Diablo" was the spawn of Satan), and the always-exciting-adventure of Mexican cab rides (the bus was far worse, however, so we stuck to the life-threatening cab rides).

On January 9, 2008 we welcomed our first little blessing--Jackson Jacob Webb. He has been the most wonderful child. Every day he brings new joys, new laughs, and sometimes, new frustrations (although not too often!). He's super-energetic, very active, and very smart (I know, I know, all parents say that about their children). He loves sports, loves the outdoors, and loves books and being read to. He is constantly learning new words and new concepts. We feel so blessed to have such a perfect first child.

Well, more to follow...

Bram, Keshia, and BZ (Baby Zane)

Jackson freaking out on Santa's lap (with Tonia and Aide)

Most of the group at Christmas in the Nighttime Skies

Michelle's First Tree-Gorgeous Picture!

Still in Love *Sigh*

Me, Jackson, and Jake (and our tree)