Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cassie and Chris's Wedding--December 26, 2010

Congratulations to my sister-in-law, Cassie, who got married the day after Christmas! The wedding was beautiful and so much fun. Jackson was the ring bearer and had a blast with his cousins, Sophie and Mya (who were the flowergirls). He wouldn't practice at the rehearsal, so we were a little worried about his performance, but the night of the wedding, he did an amazing job! He walked with the two flower girls and was so well behaved the entire time. There was, however, a little mishap (but every wedding has to have a funny story, right?). Poor little Jackson did his job, walked down the aisle so appropriately, then, when the ceremony was about to begin, he was supposed to walk up the steps and sit in the middle of the top step, with a flower girl on either side of him. When he went to sit down, he somehow missed, and went crashing from the top step to the wood floor below. The sound was horrifying, and of course, he was scared and hurt and started screaming. So I ran up there, scooped him up, and rushed him out to the foyer to calm him down. He calmed down very quickly and told me he just wanted to go sit back on the steps. So brave and so precious! He just wanted to do his little job! The rest of the ceremony he sat on the steps and looked so handsome and sweet! Here are some pics of the gorgeous day!

Daddy helping Jackson suit up

Isaak, Rick, Christy, and Sophia hanging out before the wedding

Sophia and Isaak

Lilly with Maga

Happy Girl!

Here he is, our handsome little ring bearer!


Sophie, Jackson, and Mya

The happy couple, Cassie and Chris

My sister-in-law sang and did a beautiful job!

Beautiful girls...

Cassie and my father-in-law

Jake and his mom, Karen

Daddy's girl...

Great job planning a wedding from several thousand miles away Cassie! It was beautiful!

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Bram, Keshia, and BZ (Baby Zane)

Jackson freaking out on Santa's lap (with Tonia and Aide)

Most of the group at Christmas in the Nighttime Skies

Michelle's First Tree-Gorgeous Picture!

Still in Love *Sigh*

Me, Jackson, and Jake (and our tree)