Sunday, July 25, 2010

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

So when we moved into this little house, we did an extreme home makeover. It looks really nice on the inside (we still have major projects to tackle in the yard, but we're slowly getting there). I'm constantly in the mood for changing things and redecorating a little here and there, and will be painting our bathroom a new color tomorrow. I re-purposed a few things around our house for some cute organization in the bathroom and have a few more ideas I want to do in there, just simple and inexpensive, but nice ways to freshen things up a little bit. I, of course, also will be tackling the painting of Jackson's room this week. What is interesting about all this, is that at church this morning we started a new series entitled "Extreme Makeover Home Edition: Extreme Faith for Extreme Families". Our pastor discussed how anxious we are to remodel our homes, redecorate, relandscape, etc. with our homes and our physical spaces. Many of us are also anxious to "remodel" our physical selves as well, but the point he was making was how often do we remodel our faith and what our lives say about us spiritually? How often do we check the foundations our families are built on and make sure we are passing down a legacy of faith to our children? Our pastor mentioned Timothy and his mother and grandmother, and how Timothy's faith started with his grandmother and was passed on through his mother. This was a great wake-up call for me as we have a two-and-a-half-year-old and a baby on the way. Joshua's family was blessed because he chose for his family to serve the Lord. Jake and I talked and said we just want to make sure that we are daily passing down things that will be a legacy of faith for our family, not just leave it up to chance or take that kind of gamble on it. We believe that if we teach it to our kids and live it in our home and have our family built on a godly foundation, our kids will "know the ways they should go". It doesn't mean there won't be times of rebellion or trials or spiritual wandering, but at least we can say we passed on a legacy of faith instead of unfaith (if that's a word). I was also convicted about the time I spend planning, designing, shopping around, tackling projects, etc. for our physical home, but do I spend equal or more time tackling our spiritual needs? Hmmmm....I'm anxious to see what the rest of this series brings and I pray that our family will prioritize as needed and simplify where needed so that our lives speak of what is truly important--not a large or fancy home, not the most toys or activities, but what is truly going to produce in our family the kind of character that is of the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Becky, I'm so proud of you. :)
    And I'd love to see pictures of your bathroom re-purposed items, when it's all done.


Bram, Keshia, and BZ (Baby Zane)

Jackson freaking out on Santa's lap (with Tonia and Aide)

Most of the group at Christmas in the Nighttime Skies

Michelle's First Tree-Gorgeous Picture!

Still in Love *Sigh*

Me, Jackson, and Jake (and our tree)