Monday, November 1, 2010

Camping at our favorite spot...Redfish! (August 2010)

Well, as you can tell, I'm extremely behind on updating my blog and my facebook. I think it's called "I was nine months pregnant, going back to work for a whole three weeks, and have had a newborn to take care of ". So where I left off was about the time my friend, Keshia and I decided to take our boys camping. We also thought my mom deserved a nice getaway, so we invited her as well. We really wanted to go to Redfish Lake (Keshia had never been there), but since it was kind of a last minute decision, we didn't think we could get a camping spot there (the campground near the beach fills up like a year in advance usually). Luckily, though, we got a prime spot in the exact campground we wanted!

Jackson couldn't even wait to get all his clothes off before heading into the water--and he drug poor Nana along!

Jackson and Zane had a great time playing in the sand and water. The three of us ladies had an amazingly relaxing time (I know, it's hard to believe considering the fact that we had a two-and-a-half-year-old and an eighteen month old with us, but it's true!). It was a great retreat before I had to drag my hugely pregnant self back to work for a few weeks. Here are a few of our favorite memories from the trip:


Jackson had quite a project going

Keshia and Zane

Keshia, Zane, and Jackson (along with the most beautiful view!)

Swimming area near our campsite
Zane chillin in Jackson's camp chair

Jackson chillin on the camper steps

Jackson thought this rock was a pirate ship and he found a stick that was his gun--this game lasted an entire morning!

We all decided to walk around to the lodge for some ice cream!

Paddle Boat ride with Captain Jackson

So cute!

Fireside baths (I'm not sure why this won't rotate...)

Pretending to be cowboys and ride a horsey!

Thanks Keshia, Mom, Zane and Jackson for such a great and relaxing end-of-summer vacation!

(And tomorrow I will try to sneak away and continue catching up on my blogging so everyone can finally see pics of Lilly!!!)

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Bram, Keshia, and BZ (Baby Zane)

Jackson freaking out on Santa's lap (with Tonia and Aide)

Most of the group at Christmas in the Nighttime Skies

Michelle's First Tree-Gorgeous Picture!

Still in Love *Sigh*

Me, Jackson, and Jake (and our tree)