Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Introducing...Lilly SheRie Webb! October 5, 2010

Our beautiful baby girl arrived on 10-5-10 at 1:44 in the afternoon. Her name is Lilly SheRie Webb. We came up with her middle name, SheRie (pronounced like Marie, but with the Sh) because Jake really wanted to honor his Aunt Sheelagh, who passed away the first year we were married, and I really wanted to honor my sister Sarah, whose middle name was Marie, who passed away when I was little. So, we combined Sheelagh and Marie and came up with SheRie. Anyhow, I was having very irregular, but pretty painful contractions for a good two weeks and kept working just to build up days, train my class, help my student teacher, and stay busy! I worked Monday, and we ended up arriving at the hospital at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 5th. All night Monday night I was having really strong contractions, but they were never regular distances apart, and even though this was my second child, it was wayyy different, so I wasn't one hundred percent sure I was really in labor. We left at 7:00 a.m. in the fog (when Jackson was born there was a blizzard, so we always have memorable weather!) and when we arrived at the hospital, the nurses didn't believe I was really in labor since all my contractions weren't that close together and I didn't "appear" to be in all that much pain (believe me, I was!). So they put me in a closet (no joke, they were out of labor rooms and this room was seriously the size of a walk-in closet with a stretcher and a folding chair in it--fun for Jake too) to check me. Well, the nurse took her sweet time hooking me up to a monitor and never actually checked me for quite awhile. When she finally did, guess what? I was already dilated to an 8! Yeah. No one could believe it. So we quickly ordered the epidural and I begged for a different room (well, an actual room, not a closet). Luckily, within a half hour, one emptied and they cleaned it up for me so I could proceed with my labor and delivery in as much comfort as possible. The anesthesiologist arrived pretty quickly, I got my epidural in time, then....nothing...for a long time. My contractions never did become regular or close together, so they finally gave me a dose of pitosin and by 1:44, little miss Lilly had arrived! She was 21 inches long and weighed in at 7 pounds 14 ounces (and believe me, the extra five ounces she had on Jackson made her seem a lot bigger!). Here she is:

And here's Jackson anxiously waiting to meet her! (Thanks Nana and Papa, for keeping me a couple of days!)

The newly expanded Webb Family

Miss Lilly

Jackson showing off his present (we wanted him to have some special attention when Lilly was born too--he was super excited!)

Jackson checking out Lilly's "tiny little" feet

Getting ready to head home

We are so thankful for a healthy, beautiful little girl! And we are so blessed to have a handsome, healthy big brother for her too!


  1. She's beautiful! Love her name!

  2. Congratulations Becky! She is perfect!!! Isn't it so much fun to see your oldest child interact with a new baby?!?! What a perfect little family you have. Hope all is going well!

  3. OH Becky, I'm so happy for you!! She's beautiful, and Jackson is precious. What a beautiful family. :) Thanks especially for the foot picture!! And the story--I love birth stories, and I know what you mean about labors being totally different. All 3 of my pregnancies/labors were different. Congratulations!! :)


Bram, Keshia, and BZ (Baby Zane)

Jackson freaking out on Santa's lap (with Tonia and Aide)

Most of the group at Christmas in the Nighttime Skies

Michelle's First Tree-Gorgeous Picture!

Still in Love *Sigh*

Me, Jackson, and Jake (and our tree)