Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fun with Boxes!

Jackson has always had a hay day with boxes and is always confiscating Lilly's diaper boxes (which I intend to make into fabric-covered, cute storage containers--it isn't looking likely it will happen anytime soon, I guess I will have to get sneaky about keeping the boxes!). Here are some of the recent projects he has completed (and all ideas are his own!):

Cutting away with his plastic pocket knife (thankfully his real leatherman was conveniently missing)

I was slacking in the picture-taking department, but before the robot, the box was one of those claw machines with stuffed animals (coin operated and all, he was actually dropping coins into a slot he cut and he had a bunch of his stuffed animals crammed in there--very clever!) After the claw machine and the robot, the box became a house with Mickey Mouse stickers everywhere because they were having a party. It kept him busy for like three evenings. Awesome.

The house/robot/claw machine got tossed, but he quickly moved on! I was making biscuits and he wanted to "help". As he was helping, he goes, "Mom, you ever have one of those toy ovens?" Well, after chatting about Easy Bake ovens and how maybe someday Lilly will have one, Jackson asked if he could just make one. I had no idea what he had in mind until...he asked for a box! The fruit snacks box was quickly made into his own little oven, which kept him busy through Lilly's entire nap, my biscuit-making, and the making of like three freezer meals!

And, finally, the lucky dude made a HAUL in the box department at Nana and Papa's this week. They are remodeling and guess what came in this past week? That's right...all the kitchen cabinets, complete with massive boxes. When I arrived the first afternoon to pick him up, there was a box-house with an upstairs! Today the whole playroom was a maze of intricately designed boxes. Parents, if your children are driving you crazy or bored, just give them boxes! Trust me. And, by the way--Mom, if you're reading this, I hope you are taking pictures of the box projects at your house!

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Bram, Keshia, and BZ (Baby Zane)

Jackson freaking out on Santa's lap (with Tonia and Aide)

Most of the group at Christmas in the Nighttime Skies

Michelle's First Tree-Gorgeous Picture!

Still in Love *Sigh*

Me, Jackson, and Jake (and our tree)