Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Jackson!

January 7th, 2012
We started our day off with a gymnastics meet--very early in the morning, so, Emma, that just shows you how much we LOVE you!--

This talented girl won 4 medals and a trophy!

Next, my lucky cousin, Megan, and I tackled Jackson's birthday cupcakes (he wanted skiers, so we had to be very creative...just don't look too closely!)--

Jackson helped as well...

Snowman Skiers! With Hershey Kiss hats!

And then Jackson got a little overly ambitious and began making more of his "creations" (read: completely ridiculous messes, but fun!)

Next, it was off to Maxi's for the requested pizza party--

Check out the looks on these Jones boys faces :-)

Cuteness...the very definition!

Jake is such a goof...I think he gets tired of my "self takes"...what do you think?

Thankfully no snowmen "melted" during the candles!

Then, later that night, Jackson got to stay up extra late enjoying his new stuff--

January 8th, 2012
Sunday we were planning to go skiing (as requested by the birthday boy), but due to a combination of events and excuses, we all decided to postpone the ski day til next Saturday. Instead, we enjoyed a lovely visit from Emma while her Mom and Grandma went to church (and we ditched in the name of pure laziness). Here are the happy cousins trying out a new birthday present--Cootie (don't you love that game!)--

January 9th, 2012--Jackson's Real Birthday!
Happy birthday to our amazing son! Jackson turned four today, and I think Jake and I are the ones who continue to receive gifts more than Jackson on his birthdays--he is so sweet, thoughtful, energetic, fun, clever, intelligent, inquisitive...and we love him SO MUCH! It is amazing to watch him grow, learn, and play. We took him to Applebees for a small family dinner and were reminded in just those couple of hours how sensitive to others he is, how much fun he is, and how grateful we are for him.

Sporting the birthday crown I made him

His birthday dinner, Mac N Cheese (fancy, I know...his choice though!)

Blowing out a candle!

As soon as he blew out his candle he goes, "Everybody can have some, too..." SO dang sweet and thoughtful! The little dessert was like the size of a shot glass and he was so eager to share with all! Love this boy!

Happy Fourth Birthday, Son!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! Your cupcakes were probably amazing no matter how closely we look at them... And sometimes skipping church in the name of laziness is the best thing in the world (says the wife of a church staffer).


Bram, Keshia, and BZ (Baby Zane)

Jackson freaking out on Santa's lap (with Tonia and Aide)

Most of the group at Christmas in the Nighttime Skies

Michelle's First Tree-Gorgeous Picture!

Still in Love *Sigh*

Me, Jackson, and Jake (and our tree)