Monday, January 2, 2012

Highlights of Christmas 2011

Here are some highlights from the Webb family Christmas 2011:

Christmas Eve:

Spent driving back from McCall, then onto the Webbs' for Christmas Eve where yummy appetizers were devoured, fun company was enjoyed and gifts were distributed by Santa (AKA, Hannah, my sister-in-law). A Nerf gun fight ensued, lots of pics were taken with new cameras, and Lilly scooted through miles of wrapping ribbon and piles of wrapping paper on her new scooter (all the while munching on a whole apple without ever getting distracted from her snacking!).

Christmas morning was spent at home (thankfully) opening gifts as a family and enjoying what Santa brought (of course, Jake got the most enjoyment out of all the gifts, as he is the builder/tester/electronic guru, etc. and spends hours putting together, trying out, and making sure everything works! Poor guy!).

My mom always had pictures of us on Christmas morning in front of the tree and I try, but one was of Jackson looking and smiling, the other was of Lilly looking and smiling, and one was of neither of them looking or smiling!

A bunkbed! Oh boy...

Christmas Dinner
Christmas dinner was hosted by my Aunt Kathy...very peaceful and fun!

And Christmas Day Gathering #2 (at the Millers')
More appetizers, more family fun, and more Nerf gun wars (along with some other fun!)

We hope your year was as blessed as our's. Looking back on our busy Christmas, I can't help but thank God for how FULL our lives are: full of HIS love, full of amazing family, full of such healthy kids (and adults!), full of fun and laughter...definitely more blessings than we can count. Looking forward to 2012! (And we even have some goals set--as individuals and as a family...but you'll have to wait to hear what those are because I don't want to jinx us!).

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Bram, Keshia, and BZ (Baby Zane)

Jackson freaking out on Santa's lap (with Tonia and Aide)

Most of the group at Christmas in the Nighttime Skies

Michelle's First Tree-Gorgeous Picture!

Still in Love *Sigh*

Me, Jackson, and Jake (and our tree)